These two years have introduced me to many new experiences that has allowed me to grow as an individual. It has taught me many things that can now be transferred to the real world. I want to thank all the supervisors in OSC especially Ms. Morgan, Mr. Lockwood, Ms. Sue, Mr. Duncan and Ms. Fleming for all the support and help throughout these two years of DP, and ofcourse all the friends. It was good!


Photo credits to ACS

i) Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth.

ii) Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

iii) Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience.

iv) Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences.

v) Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

vi) Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance.

vii) Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions.


In terms of my areas of strengths, I have identified as sports being my most prominent factor. This was evident as I captained the Volleyball team to Nepal and my recognition was awarded by the most valuable player given my our coach in reflecting the season. Regarding my journey in identifying areas for growth, I have reflected upon my skill of leadership on the sports field as I attained tips by the coaches to be more tolerant. This was also achieved by participating in my peers CAS project as I helped coach the middle-school football team.

Challenges I faced was time management in attaining hours for activity as I planned to focus more on academics this year. I had to manage my time in a rigid manner that allowed me to complete assignments even if I became fatigued when I arrived from practice. I was able to develop skills in Volleyball as the award I received reflected this. This was also evident in the final semester where I had to fill in hours for creativity which made me participate in the ASA named meditative coloring. This was in a way more beneficial than a potential burden as it was a way for me to relax even when stress started to accumulate. I developed methods to attain a stable mental state which allowed me to rationalize cohesively, hence productivity work.


Photo credits to Geckonet

The planning and the involvement in initiating a CAS experience is highly affiliated to service as I uphold the position of service leader. Alongside the creation of my website I created a timetable of our planning sheet that we followed to prepare for each session. I initiated celebratory sessions for festivals like before Christmas break, where we I got sponsorship from Shangri-La to cater this event and we prepared a drive so we were fortunate enough to provide toys for each RCCI student.

My commitment and perseverance is seen with the time I dedicate to my service group; Rehabilitation Centre of Communication Impaired (RCCI). I have been service leader for this academic year, initiating plans for each weekly session, confirming bookings for gym spaces, but most importantly I made a website for purpose of my CAS project in devotion to this service. I had to put aside hours to allow sufficient time eligible to enable the making of the website. My aim was to extended the organizations effort in raising awareness as I personally feel heart-felt with this issue, this came to me after working alongside the kids every week- creating bonds and close relationships.


Photo credits to Nehe

The collaborative task is evident in my participation in SAISA sports, as this skill is highly regarded for success. The sport of volleyball made me recognize the benefit as in this sport as you defend and attack the need to work alongside each teammate to prepare correct position for coverage to receive spikes and to counter is needed. To add on, my contribution in the middle-school coaching football team made me realize the importance of this skill as I worked with my peers to manage the team through different drills. This skill was further emphasized as beneficial through my participation in football and track & field.

In reflection, my part taking in a school micro-trip to Hambantota working collaboratively with another service group; “Housing of Habitat.” As we worked alongside kids that’s family were affected by the 2004 Tsunami in Sri Lanka, the school we attended runned a program to help give education to the families children. We played with the kids as well as painted two murals in the school hence repainted all the chairs and tables. Likewise, my active participation in my service group RCCI through weekly activities to making a website as we aim to help the communication impaired kids at the same time raise awareness on this disorder in the local community. Both, reflect upon the engagement with issues of global significance.


Thank you

Jordan Wright 

Academic and Sport

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