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We broke the 4x100m Relay (I was anchor). This is found on the Wikipedia page for SAISA


The third season for SAISA was Track and Field and it was held in Amman, Jordan hosted by American Community School. It was a 3 day competition that took place from the 18th – 22nd April. Representing Overseas School Colombo from Sri Lanka we were consisted of 30 athletes that ranged from 5th grade to 11th. Disregarding the large gap between the age groups we still including a close bond amongst all athletes as if we were family. For the two months of preparation we all went through thick and thin together which I think resulted to a unbreakable bond between all athletes and the relation of athletes to coaches. We were reigning champions and are looking for another win this year to hold our title. 

En route to Amman, Jordan, I substituted some time to ponder on goals I’d like to set during the competition. The main goal that came to mind was to beat all my times I have set in the past for the 100m, 200m and 400m, get a better jump for long jump and high jump, thus bet the 4 x 100m record that was set in 1993. 

SAISA track and field. I had the great opportunity to join partners with Madeleine Parr to captain this team filled with unique, talented individuals. I hope to not only encourage but act as a good role model for younger athletes in the team and to make the school and my coaches proud by bringing back some silverware. 


First Day:

After a good nights rest I was mentally and physically prepared to compete. I completed my stretches with my team mate Hazeem Azhar and was ready for my 100m prelims. In first heat, I came first with a seeding of 11.15 (s). My fastest time yet which was a good start for the competition. Next came the 4 x 400m relay. One of my favorites but also one of the most challenging, we ended up getting gold (1st place) with a time of 3 minutes 45 sec. This was milliseconds off breaking the previous record set in 1993 as well. Overseas School Colombo by the end of the day stood 1st place leading by roughly 100 points. Reflecting upon the first day of competing I thought as a individual and as a team we have done our school proud and ourselves as we are showing such potential as well as such character on the track.


Second Day:

Moving to the second day of competition. First thing up was my 100m final, sore after the 4 x 400m I had to be strict with my preparation. I ended up coming 4th overall for 100m with a time of 11.40 (s). I was not too happy with my time thus my position however I was able to grab some points for the team. My 100m prelims time of 11.15 (s) ended up being the second fastest time in the competition. Next was my 200m prelims, I was first heat again and came 2nd with a time of 23.45 (s), this meant that I was in the final and I broke my personal best time for 200m. Succeeding my event I had another straight away which was my long jump prelims. After a long wait in the marshals, I jumped a 5.80m to position third. During the finals I was not able to beat my previous jumps however still maintain my position of third place. Last event of the second day was the High jump my PB was 1.70m however I did not perform well during competition and did not position on the podium. Withal, it was another successful day of competition as we still maintain first place with points with the school on second place catching up. After a long day of events I had to get a good nights rest to prepare for the final day of competition.


Third Day:

A gloomy morning awaited us with temperatures dropping, this was not so good for the OSC team as we’ve been so used to the hot temperatures of Sri Lanka. First event was my 200m final, waiting in the marshal tent I had to mentally focus on my race envisioning what I will do to be successful. The gun fired, and I came 4th again with a time of 23.60 (s). I was so relieved and happy that I got that race done and over as I had to now mentally and physically prepare myself again for my 400m race. A very strategic race that consist of sprinting and running, but I was ready. The cold worsened as it started to rain and the wind picked up speed. In the race all I thought was the cold it was freezing… I ended up coming 5th with a time of 55.86 (s). I was not too happy with the time as I clocked a 53.0 (s) for the 4 x 400m relay as my coach Mrs. Turner timed me. Regardless of the climate and situation I thought I performed well. After so many events during the short course of three days I had the 4 x 100m relay. My most favorite race. During the course of trainings we heavily focused on relays as it included double points which would be very beneficial if we came first. The four members of the 15-19 4 x 100m relay was the last event of the completion, representing Overseas School Colombo was Ritheek De Silva for first, second was Hazeem Azhar, third being Lukas and the Anchor man being myself. We won! We broke a SAISA record that was set in 1993 with a time of 45.96 (s) which surpassed the previous record by nearly 2 seconds. We were so happy! An experience to remember.

With conclusion of the three days of competition Overseas School Colombo came 1st place!


Reflecting upon this season of SAISA Track and Field, from the first day of training to the last day of competition every individual in this team has developed to showing such potential to becoming a professional athlete. With such determination shown through the course of each training session no matter what as a team we have stuck together and gone through thick and thin. It was a blessing to lead this group of individuals with Madeliene Parr and come back to Sri Lanka with silverware. With passion and believe we hope to win next year!

2nd consecutive win for Overseas School Colombo in Track and Field. GO Geckos!


I would like to show recognition to all the coaches as without their help and motivation we would have not come this far as a team and as individuals. They really displayed qualities of a good role model that all young athletes grow to want to become.

That’s a wrap of 2018 SAISA track and Field!

Academic and Sport

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